Tips for choosing the most affordable Audio Conferencing Solutions

There was a time when companies considered audio conferencing solutions to be a luxury. However, telecommunications technology has grown by leaps and bounds in just a few short years, with 3G and 4G standards coming into effect. Audio conferencing has now become a vital, irremovable part of small, medium and large companies, and is considered to be the preferred mode of maintaining constant communication with employees, clients, partners and even consumers. Businesspersons and clients are no longer held back by physical limitations; they can go to other countries and expand the reach of their business and still remain in touch with people. Moreover, the wide range of cellular phone conferencing devices has given businesses limitless choices.


While the choice of devices is endless, it is important to choose an inexpensive audio conferencing service as well. Several companies offer audio conferencing services at reasonable rates. For example, the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance also offers free audio conferencing services. In order to choose a good audio conferencing service, you need to first understand the features in offer.


A lot of inexpensive audio conferencing services have little or no useful features, and it does not make sense to spend money on such services. However, some inexpensive audio conferencing services like the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance offers several other features apart from audio conferencing. In fact, this appliance works as a complete business communication solution by itself. It is best if you evaluate the features you need for your business and then choose an inexpensive audio conferencing solution that offers all these features.

Another important aspect you have to consider while buying an audio conferencing service is the assistance you will get. All cell phone operators provide audio conferencing services, but not many provide assistance. Audio conferencing assistance is usually provided only by companies like RHUB. This form of assistance is very useful for companies that periodically conduct audio conferences with a large number of participants. An assistant can help in introducing any new participant at any time to the conference, and can also give the conference a more professional feel.

As a business, it is important that you keep some evidence of the matters discussed in any meeting. That is why the minutes of a meeting are recorded and filed whenever it is conducted face to face. However, it is not uncommon to see a business conducting meetings on serious matters over the phone. In an era where participants may not be available at short notice for a meeting in the office, urgent meetings on important business matters would have to be conducted through audio conferencing.

Such meetings also need to be documented, and that is why several audio conferencing services like the one provided by RHUB offers to record your complete meetings. This much more effective than filing the minutes of an actual meeting, because it lets you record each statement from each participant. In other words, audio conferencing services can allow you to conduct meetings and run your business effectively and efficiently. Services like the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance not only provide free audio conferencing, but video and web conferencing with remote PC access and remote support capabilities as well.

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Over half of the staff in Maryland’s Department of Transportation works 1.3 days at home every week

Though remote work has increased substantially in the United States over the last five years, Maryland state employees are not teleworking as much as in other states. Its numbers pale in comparison to other states, such as its neighbor Virginia. Still, the Maryland Department of Transportation gives the example and is showing the other state agencies how telecommuting using remote desktop solutions can increase productivity and reduce costs.

According to recent statistics, the State Personnel Management System (leaving out the Maryland Department of Transportation) has over 43,000 employees, with 6,000 of them being eligible for remote working. Of these 6,000 only 581 actually worked from their homes, which means that just 1.3% of all the workers in the system have telecommuted.

These 581 telecommuters come from 19 different state agencies and, on average, have worked from their homes about 22 hours per month.

The statistics of the Maryland Department of Transportation are quite higher. The agency employs 315 workers with 197 of them being eligible to work remotely. Of these 197 employees, 101 have worked from the comfort of their homes, averaging 1.3 days per week.

One of such employees is Catherine Svoboda, who has been working remotely for the last ten years. When she telecommutes, Catherine Svoboda saves the two hours she spends on her way to and from work and is much more productive.

“I’m much more efficient. I get things done much faster,” she said to Maryland’s Gazette.Net.

A statement which is backed up by a Mack Global Consulting report, which shows a 27% increase in productivity among telecommuting employees.

Catherine Svoboda, among other workers, is now using remote desktop tools to access their office computers from their homes.

Remote desktop solutions, such as RHUB remote support appliance, are ranked among the best solutions for telecommuters. It is named as the Product of the Year by Government Computer News! The appliance allows employees to work from their homes directly on their office computers, having remote access to all the documents they might need to do their jobs.

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Remote Support is now a Reality

Do you find yourself stuck with a computer problem, and without a nearby computer expert who can help you? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you are not alone. Several people face this exact problem, and are devoid of any expertise or access to advanced technology. The answer to their problems is already here though, in the form of remote support.

Even if you have never faced the problems stated above, you would have to admit that computer technology has become more and more sophisticated over the years. With this progress, there is a reduced requirement for technicians to directly visit customers and a greater ability to help out remotely through live chat or phone calls, or automated FAQ pages.

Even as we speak, IT companies around the world are improving their customer service with the help of remote support appliance providers like RHUB. With such services, it is possible to now solve problems on the computer using the computer itself. You can get remote support from integrated support programs in the computer or by using FAQ resources on the Internet. When you add telephone, chat and email support to the equation, then you would realize that remote support has become more accessible than ever.

A lot of people, however, still prefer not to use remote support to their advantage. The reasons for this are many. For one, some end users prefer trained and experienced technicians to their job without doing anything themselves. This problem, however, has been resolved to a large extent because an increasing number of people have started to believe in the benefits of remote assistance.

With the help of remote support appliances like the one offered by RHUB, it is possible to reduce language barriers and also prevent occasions where service reps are tied up. Moreover, the learning curve is quite small. You can learn how to get and use remote support appliances almost instantly. Even if you do not learn so quickly, you also have a remote IT support staff to clarify your doubts. Therefore, remote support can also be helpful for those who want to step out of their comfort zone and try new services.

It is important to remember that all the applications you have on your computer are also made by humans. All applications would have their own problems, and it is not possible for a simple FAQs page to solve all the problems, no matter how detailed it may be. At the end of the day, you need personal remote support when you have completely different problems.

If you are looking for remote support solutions to provide your business, RHUB can be a serious consideration. RHUB offers web conferencing and remote support tools that can simplify your business, streamline it and make it more efficient. Remote support will make any business much more popular, because IT is always designed to make things simpler. To know more about how you can make your business simpler and grow better, visit RHUB’s website today.

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The Importance of Remote PC Access

Remote PC access software solutions have grown to become a common part of most companies, especially in multinationals and IT companies. If you are looking for such software solutions for your company, then you need to ensure that you get the best solution for your budget. Remote PC access solutions range from dirt-cheap (or even free) solutions that offer bare minimum features, to high-end applications that also cost a lot of money.


There are different kinds of remote PC access services that you would have to learn about before you buy one, and it is best if you take your time. The more time you take to do some research the better, so you should put in all your efforts and time toward getting a good remote access software application like the one provided by RHUB.


There are some important aspects of a remote PC access software solution that you need to keep in mind when you are on the lookout for one. Firstly, you need to look at how simple it is to use. A remote support application is useful only in a company, and you cannot always hope that all your employees are well-acquainted with the software. Moreover, you also need to account for lack of knowledge among new employees. You need to find a remote PC access appliance like the one offered by RHUB, which is not only easy for you to maintain and manage, but also easy for your employees to use as well.


Another important aspect to consider while choosing a good remote PC access software application is its ease of setup. There are some software solutions that do not need to be installed on the remote PC. A vast majority of software solutions, including the RHUB appliance, do not require the manual configuration of routers or firewalls. However, you can still find some software applications that require a complicated installation process. You also need to ensure that the user interface of this software is easy to understand. The features must be easy to access, and the interface easy to navigate. You can find several sources on the Internet that explain which remote access software is easy to install and operate and which ones are not. By gaining more information from these sources, you can use it to your advantage and make a better, smarter decision.


Of course, one of the most important aspects of remote PC access software is its cost. You need to take your own time to compare the prices of all different products. If you are planning to buy the application from the store, you need to compare its prices on the Internet. However, in most cases, you may find that the best deals on software applications are available on the Internet itself.


You should also look at some of the extra feature included in the remote desktop control software. Some of them, such as a built-in file transfer application, may be important for some companies, but it would essentially be less useful for others. The software has to be efficient and quick and fit all your requirements, like the RHUB remote access appliance.


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Telecommuting is becoming mainstream in the US

The Telework Coalition (TelCoa), a nonprofit telework education and advocacy organization, believes that remote working is now ready to become a major business practice in the United States.


There are several factors which are pushing telecommuting forward. Among them are societal factors, such as environmental and transportation issues; technological factors, such as better technology at lower prices; and business factors, such as increased employee productivity and cost saving.


With all these coming into play, telecommuting is becoming mainstream and both employers and employees are becoming more aware of the benefits of remote working.

According to Chuck Wilsker, President and Chief Operating Officer of TelCoa, “as generations evolve, as we become more environmentally conscious, I think we’ll see more [telecommuting]. As transportation costs rise, we’ll see more.”


“There are all these technologies and everybody’s starting to have these, and I think it’s really changing because people are realizing it’s easy to work from anywhere,” he said to


According to TelCoa, it is hard to estimate precisely the number of people telecommuting in the United States since many of them may telecommute one or two days per week but don’t regard themselves as remote workers. Still, there might be between 3 and 75 million telecommuters in the country, says the nonprofit organization.


TelCoa, which seeks to raise awareness and increase the number of people that telecommute full-time, says that employees save more than $8,000 per year when working from home, while the average employer saves around $20,000 a year per employee.


Companies save by having less office space, which decreases rent and energy costs, as well as fewer parking spaces, while employees save on gas, fast food and office clothes.

Better technologies at lower prices are also surfacing, such as RHUB’s web confererncing and remote support appliances.


Modern remote working solutions allow employees to access remotely to their office computers using remote control and remote desktop tools, allowing employees to work together in a virtual environment by using web collaboration tools and also allow them to provide technical support to their clients through the use of remote support tools.

According to TelCoa, remote working creates jobs, reduces costs, improves recruiting and provides better opportunities, particularly in rural areas.

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Maryland’s Department of Transportation is benefiting from remote work

Though remote work has increased substantially in the United States over the last five years, Maryland state employees are not teleworking as much as in other states. Its numbers pale in comparison to other states, such as its neighbor Virginia. Still, the Maryland Department of Transportation gives the example and is showing the other state agencies how telecommuting using remote desktop solutions can increase productivity and reduce costs.


According to recent statistics, the State Personnel Management System (leaving out the Maryland Department of Transportation) has over 43,000 employees, with 6,000 of them being eligible for remote working. Of these 6,000 only 581 actually worked from their homes, which means that just 1.3% of all the workers in the system have telecommuted.

These 581 telecommuters come from 19 different state agencies and, on average, have worked from their homes about 22 hours per month.


The statistics of the Maryland Department of Transportation are quite higher. The agency employs 315 workers with 197 of them being eligible to work remotely. Of these 197 employees, 101 have worked from the comfort of their homes, averaging 1.3 days per week.


One of such employees is Catherine Svoboda, who has been working remotely for the last ten years. When she telecommutes, Catherine Svoboda saves the two hours she spends on her way to and from work and is much more productive.

“I’m much more efficient. I get things done much faster,” she said to Maryland’s Gazette.Net.

A statement which is backed up by a Mack Global Consulting report, which shows a 27% increase in productivity among telecommuting employees.

Catherine Svoboda, among other workers, is now using remote desktop tools to access their office computers from their homes.

Remote desktop solutions, such as RHUB remote support appliance, are ranked among the best solutions for telecommuters. It is named as the Product of the Year by Government Computer News! The appliance allows employees to work from their homes directly on their office computers, having remote access to all the documents they might need to do their jobs.

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Video conferencing service that offers free audio conferencing

RHUB is one of the leading web conferencing service providers, and it is known for its 6-in-1 application that includes free audio conferencing services. The popularity of such solutions is quite evident. When you look around, you will find a lot of companies that are utilizing such solutions to improve their output.

You can find a lot of services that offer audio and video conferencing for free on the Internet. While they may seem perfect for some, it is important to choose the right one. Several of these software applications may turn out to be nothing but malware, so you need to pick one carefully.

The first thing you need to check while looking for any video conferencing service that offers free audio is the features list. Every application has its own features. For example, the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance offers a complete set of features required by all businesses- small, medium or large.

You need to double-check the process of web conferencing as well before you choose an application. Several applications offer a wide range of features, but the procedure is so difficult that you would be limited to use only a few of them. Moreover, you need to ensure that the learning curve is small enough to let all the necessary employees learn to run the application quickly and easily. If you are looking for a free application that offers audio and video services, you can expect a lot of constraints on the features.

Another important aspect to be considered while choosing a web conferencing appliance with free audio is your computer’s specifications. Not all computers will be capable of supporting a web conferencing application, especially if it supports audio conferencing as well. Most importantly, you may find a lot of web conferencing tools that support only Windows operating systems, and a limited number of applications like those from RHUB that support both Windows and Mac systems.

If you are looking for a free video conferencing tool that also provides audio conferencing, you should try to test them out. Test applications are relatively small to download, so they take less of your time. Moreover, the test product also lets you check whether it would be suitable for your requirements or not. You can assess the product completely without relying on any third-party reviews, and at the end of the trial period, you can confidently reply whether the application meets your own business requirements or not.

If you do like a product, then do not forget to enroll and download the full product. A trial product’s period of use may end abruptly, and this can be problematic if you are in the middle of a conference. Moreover, the trial product may not have all the features of the application, so you can only fully use the web conferencing appliance when you buy it.

Video conferencing appliances that include audio support, like the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance, allow you to interact in real time with participants without them being anywhere nearby. You can boost your savings and also improve the performance of your business with this type of platform.

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IT companies around the world are improving their customer service with remote support appliance

Do you find yourself stuck with a computer problem, and without a nearby computer expert who can help you? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you are not alone. Several people face this exact problem, and are devoid of any expertise or access to advanced technology. The answer to their problems is already here though, in the form of remote support.

Even if you have never faced the problems stated above, you would have to admit that computer technology has become more and more sophisticated over the years. With this progress, there is a reduced requirement for technicians to directly visit customers and a greater ability to help out remotely through live chat or phone calls, or automated FAQ pages.

Even as we speak, IT companies around the world are improving their customer service with the help of remote support appliance providers like RHUB. With such services, it is possible to now solve problems on the computer using the computer itself. You can get remote support from integrated support programs in the computer or by using FAQ resources on the Internet. When you add telephone, chat and email support to the equation, then you would realize that remote support has become more accessible than ever.

A lot of people, however, still prefer not to use remote support to their advantage. The reasons for this are many. For one, some end users prefer trained and experienced technicians to their job without doing anything themselves. This problem, however, has been resolved to a large extent because an increasing number of people have started to believe in the benefits of remote assistance.

With the help of remote support appliances like the one offered by RHUB, it is possible to reduce language barriers and also prevent occasions where service reps are tied up. Moreover, the learning curve is quite small. You can learn how to get and use remote support appliances almost instantly. Even if you do not learn so quickly, you also have a remote IT support staff to clarify your doubts. Therefore, remote support can also be helpful for those who want to step out of their comfort zone and try new services.

It is important to remember that all the applications you have on your computer are also made by humans. All applications would have their own problems, and it is not possible for a simple FAQs page to solve all the problems, no matter how detailed it may be. At the end of the day, you need personal remote support when you have completely different problems.

If you are looking for remote support solutions to provide your business, RHUB can be a serious consideration. RHUB offers web conferencing and remote support tools that can simplify your business, streamline it and make it more efficient. Remote support will make any business much more popular, because IT is always designed to make things simpler. To know more about how you can make your business simpler and grow better, visit RHUB’s website today.

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Video conferencing is getting popular in US classrooms

A lot has been written and said about the modern classroom environment, where digital media and technology makes learning more interactive. However, many people feel that it is still not possible or feasible to implement modern technology like video conferencing into classrooms.

Video conferencing has just recently found acceptance among corporate managers, which is evidenced by the growth of popular vendors like RHUB. However, that does not mean it cannot be implemented in schools. Video conferencing improves the learning process in schools and educational institutes in many ways. It adds a whole new interactive atmosphere to subjects like geography, religion and history.

Let’s look at some ways in which you can implement video conferencing solutions into classroom education:

By connecting with the experts

Video conferencing has been used frequently in learning centers, especially in teaching students between the ages of 10 and 14 years, to allow them to talk and interact with experts. This allows the students to develop their communication skills and simultaneously learn more about important global issues. By allowing young students to talk in real time with the experts, learning centers can promote a fun-filled and interesting session.

By creating virtual field trips

A school field trip generally takes a lot of time and effort right from the preparation stage. You need to plan out and prepare for transportation, food, and locations. Compare this to a virtual field trip where you never have to go anywhere, and you can see the benefits immediately.

Virtual field trips to the zoo or museum are becoming more popular in schools with video conferencing facilities. Schools can now connect live with places in other countries, where an expert can guide the students in real-time and send across videos or other information.

By working together with other educational institutes

Another method of using video conferencing tools like RHUB to improve students’ learning experience is to work together with other students. Video conferencing is a tool that allows schools from around the nation and world to collaborate with one other. This allows students to get different views on relevant topics. It also helps generate new ideas.

By accessing courses that were not possible before

All schools cannot offer the same courses. There are some schools, like those located in rural areas, which do not have the facilities to teach detailed or advanced courses. This is a loss for the students, but it can be taken care of with the help of video conferencing solutions like those provided by RHUB. A lot of schools have already added courses that were previously inaccessible due to distance. This allows experts and teachers to teach students through video conferencing and conduct full courses.

By giving teachers the chance to learn

Video conferencing is primarily aimed at students, but it can also teach educators a lot of things. Through web conferencing, experts are not only able to talk to students, but also to teachers and offer them a view through the student’s perspective. Learning is a continuous process, even for teachers. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers compulsorily clock a certain number of hours in ‘professional development’, which should also include a minimum number of hours for technology-based learning.


The bottom line here is that video conferencing solutions like the RHUB web conferencing appliance or the RHUB 6-in-1 web conferencing and remote support appliance can break all the traditional barriers in learning both inside and outside the classroom.

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How to reduce your business expenses?

Every entrepreneur is aware of the fact that the success of a business is not only dependent on the profits you rake in, but also on the expenses incurred to achieve this profit. In other words, it depends on how much money you have in hand at the end of each fiscal period. The risk of overflowing expenses is high for small business, but you can stop this from occurring and minimize your expenses by following the steps given below:

Step 1

You need to first create an inventory of all the items in your office. This includes office supplies, since you can actually purchase many supplies at lower prices than usual. For example, most small business owners order their checks directly from the bank. However, you can reduce your expenses by actually ordering business checks online. This option is also far more convenient. A lot of business owners ignore this step, but the fact is that you can save a lot of money through it in the long run.

Step 2

With more people going green, it is no wonder that the next step on this list ensures that you do your bit for the environment. This next step involves reducing your paper printing, but its effects go beyond just saving the environment. Lowering the number of papers used in your office prints can drastically bring down your expenses. You do not need to buy as many papers and toners, and your printer maintenance costs reduce as well.

Step 3

VoIP phones have grown more popular in recent times, especially among small business owners. VoIP phones work from your computer, consequently cutting down your phone bills by more than half. There are several VoIP service providers like RHUB that are perfect for small business needs.

 Step 4

 If you go through the cell phone or Internet usage plans for your employees, you may find a lot of money being spent in the form of over-the-limit expenses. You must find out the minutes of usage for each employee and set the plan limit to suit it. While this may require you to pay more for an upgrade, the fact is that you can save a lot of money on cell phone and Internet expenses in the long run.

 Step 5

Finally, you need to implement web conferencing solutions in your business. It is not unusual nowadays to find meetings being conducted online, even in large corporations. The benefits of web conferencing solutions like the RHUB web conferencing and remote support appliance cannot be ignored. It allows you to conduct meetings in the comfort of your office or home, but with the same effect as a face-to-face meeting. You can reduce travelling costs to almost zero, making your business more efficient and profitable.

Three of the above steps require some effort and measures from your end, but two of them- web conferencing and VoIP implementation- can be done with ease if you depend on an expert like RHUB. RHUB is a company which not only offers VoIP and web conferencing services, but also offers a complete 6-in-1 package that includes everything you would need to improve the productivity of your business.

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